University Health and Counseling Services
Ambrose Center

Wellness Peer Educators

Wellness Information

What are Wellness Peer Educators?
Wellness Peer Educators (WPE's) are UW-W students who design and implement health education programs and events for the 足彩平台 campus community. WPE's are trained to provide presentations and coordinate campus outreach events on a variety of health topics including alcohol, drugs, mental health, sexual health and sexual violence prevention.

What do Wellness Peer Educators Do?
WPE's are involved in a number of educational and outreach activities on campus. These activities include: classroom presentations on specific health topics, participation in campus-wide wellness events, lead workshops, conduct outreach in the Residence Halls and Greek Life as well as other clubs and organizations, and much more. It is great experience for those seeking careers in public health, health education, health promotion, communications, education, etc.

All students interested in educating the UW-W campus community about health and wellness are encouraged to apply. Students must be in good academic standing, complete an application and attend an interview. Email to apply.


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