Risk Management
waste management at uw-whitewater

Waste Management

Hazardous Waste

(UPDATED June 8, 2005)

  • Listed below is a sampling of chemicals, which are available for redistribution.
  • Dial x1856 to request free chemicals from this list.
  • Chemical Redistribution and Reuse Agreement Statement
  • Other chemicals become available at different times. To assure availability, please contact us.
  • Please plan to use material within 1 year.

The chemical redistribution inventory is currently empty. 

Chemical Keep Out of Contact With
Acetic Acid Chromic acid, nitric acid hydroxyl compounds, ethylene, glycol, perchloric acid, peroxides, permanganates
Acetone Concentrated nitric and sulfuric acid mixtures
Acetylene Chlorine, bromine, copper, fluorine, silver, mercury
Alkali Metals Water, carbon tetrachloride or other chlorinated hydrocarbons, carbon dioxide, the halogens
Ammonia, anhydrous Mercury, chlorine, calcium hypochlorite, iodine, bromine, hydrofluoric acid
Ammonium Nitrate Acids, metal powders, flammable liquids, chlorates, nitrites, sulfur, finely divided organic or combustible materials
Aniline Nitric acid, hydrogen peroxide
Arsenical materials Any reducing agent
Azides Acids
Bromine Same as chlorine
Calcium Oxide Water
Carbon (activated) Calcium hypochlorite, all oxidizing agents.
Carbon tetrachloride Sodium
Chlorates Ammonium salts, acids, metal powders, sulfur, finely divided organic or combustible materials
Chromic Acid Acetic acid, naphthalene, camphor, glycerin, turpentine, alcohol, flammable liquids in general
Chlorine Ammonia, acetylene, butadiene, butane, methane, propane (or other petroleum gases), hydrogen, sodium carbide, turpentine, benzene, finely divided metals
Chlorine Dioxide Ammonia, methane, phosphine, hydrogen sulfide
Copper Acetylene, hydrogen peroxide
Cumene Hydroperoxide Acids, organic or inorganic
Cyanides Acids
Flammable Liquids Ammonium nitrate, chromic acid, hydrogen peroxide, nitric acid, sodium peroxide, halogens
Hydrocarbons Fluorine, chlorine, bromine, chromic acid, sodium peroxide
Hydrocyanic Acid Nitric acid, alkali
Hydrofluoric Acid Ammonia, aqueous or anhydrous
Hydrogen Peroxide Copper, chromium, iron, most metals or their salts, alcohols, acetone, organic materials, aniline, nitromethane, flammable liquids, oxidizing gases
Hydrogen Sulfide Fuming nitric acid, oxidizing gases, acetylene, ammonia (aqueous or anhydrous), hydrogen
Hypochlorites Acids, activated carbon
Iodine Acetylene, ammonia (aqueous or anhydrous), hydrogen
Mercury Acetylene, fulminic acid, ammonia
Nitrates Sulfuric acid
Nitric Acid (concentrated) Acetic acid, aniline, chromic acid, hydrocyanic acid, hydrogen sulfide, flammable liquids, flammable gases
Nitrites Acids
Nitroparaffins Inorganic bases, amines
Oxalic Acid Silver, mercury
Oxygen Oils, grease, hydrogen; flammable liquids, solids, or gases
Perchloric Acid Acetic anhydride, bismuth and its alloys, alcohol, paper, wood
Peroxides, organic Acids (organic or mineral), avoid friction, store cold
Phosphorus (white) Air, oxygen, alkalies, reducing agents
Potassium Carbon tetrachloride, carbon dioxide, water
Potassium Chlorate Sulfuric and other acids
Potassium Permanganate Glycerin, ethylene glycol, benzaldehyde, sulfuric acid
Selenides Reducing agents
Silver Acetylene, oxalic acid, tartaric acid, ammonium compounds
Sodium Carbon tetrachloride, carbon dioxide, water
Sodium nitrite Ammonium nitrate and other ammonium salts
Sodium Peroxide Ethyl or methyl alcohol, glacial acetic acid, acetic anhydride, benzaldehyde, carbon disulfide, glycerin, ethylene glycol, ethyl acetate, methyl acetate, furfural
Sulfides Acids
Sulfuric Acid Potassium chlorate, potassium perchlorate, potassium permanganate (or compounds with similar light metals, such as sodium, lithium, etc.)
Tellurides Reducing agents


The purpose of this guide is to provide the necessary information to employees to properly process and dispose of all hazardous chemical wastes. Information is provided on how to segregate, package, and label waste for pick-up and transportation to the campus Hazardous Waste Storage Building.

Scope and Purpose of the Hazardous Waste System

Risk Management and Safety provides a service of collection, transportation, storing and proper disposal of hazardous chemical wastes generated on campus. The system is designed primarily to collect small quantities of hazardous chemical wastes generated in the university's academic laboratories, studio and shops.

The management system was established to protect the health and safety of employees, students and the citizens of Whitewater. Also to comply with hazardous waste laws, regulations and to minimize the quantity of chemical hazardous waste and associated disposal costs.

Definitions of Hazardous Waste

Detailed definitions and lists of substances that are considered hazardous chemicals are contained in U.S. EPA regulations, Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations Part 261 and Wisconsin DNR Regulations NR 181 Wisconsin Administration Code. In general, however, a chemical is considered a hazardous chemical waste if it is ignitable, corrosive, reactive or toxic. This covers a VERY wide range of chemicals; therefore it is prudent to consider any chemical waste as hazardous until it is proven to be non-hazardous. Also any substance which is radioactive would be considered a hazardous substance.

Assistance in the identification and classification of chemical wastes may be obtained from the office of Risk Management and Safety by calling x1856.

Safety and Health Precautions

Precautions should be taken when handling hazardous waste. Hazardous chemical waste must be properly labeled with a clear identification of the contents including the type of hazard i.e. flammable, corrosive, poison, oxidizer etc. When handling hazardous waste, appropriate protective equipment should be used depending on the nature of the waste and type of hazard. Protective equipment most commonly needed are safety goggles, face shields, gloves and aprons or lab coats. When processing or filling containers with hazardous chemical waste, it may be necessary to perform the operation in a fume hood.

Preparation of Hazardous Chemical Waste for Removal

In order to provide for the safe and efficient removal of hazardous chemical waste from campus they must be properly prepared and packaged by the generator. Requirements for chemical waste pick-up are listed as follows:

Requirements for Chemical Waste Pick-Up

The following procedures are REQUIRED for having wastes collected by Risk Management and Safety:

  1. Label the containers with hazardous waste labels (available from Risk Management and Safety or may be copied), providing all information requested on the label as illustrated here:
    Hazardous Waste Label
    Unused discarded chemicals in their ORIGINAL CONTAINERS with INTACT labels do not need the hazardous waste labels. These chemicals will be reviewed for possible recycling in another campus department before disposal. Improperly labeled containers may not be collected for safety reasons.
  2. Complete the appropriate form and call for a pick-up (1856) or mail the pick-up request to Risk Management and Safety (Hyer 332).
  3. Segregate the waste if your worksite generates several types of hazardous waste. Use separate containers for each type of waste generated unless specifically approved by Risk Management and Safety. This allows use of the best disposal options and prevents potential hazards due to chemical incompatibilities on mixing. When in doubt segregate or call ext. 1856 for advise.
  4. Use proper containers for hazardous waste. Wastes collected by Risk Management and Safety may be transported on public roads, and thus must be packaged in shipping containers which are legal for the chemicals being transported. Acceptable containers for common classes of chemicals are as follows:
    1. Solvents: Original 4 liter glass solvent bottles, one gallon metal cans, and any original solvent container.
    2. Strong acids/Bases: Original 2 liter glass bottles for corrosive liquids, any original container for the waste chemical being generated, and equivalent approved plastic container.
    3. Miscellaneous Organic/Inorganic Reagents: Original containers or equivalent.
    4. All Chemical Containers:
      • Must have tight sealing caps
      • Must not leak
      • No more than approximately 90% full

Containers larger than 5 gallons may be used only with prior arrangements with Risk Management and Safety. Wastes which are not packaged according to these specifications, must be re-packaged prior to pickup.

They will not be collected if the container is determined to be unsafe for transport! Re-packing will be required before transport will be done. Call Risk Management and Safety if you need help in determining the appropriate type of container for your waste.


Employee Responsibilities

The success of the Hazardous Waste Management Program on the campus depends on the conscientious efforts of each University Employee. You are the one handling hazardous substances, it is important that you follow the steps in the following guide.

Duties of Employees:

  1. Dispose of unwanted hazardous chemicals, and waste solvents according to the procedures in this guide, or the original container label or Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).
  2. Help identify your unknown chemicals.
  3. Package and label chemicals according to instructions in this disposal guide.
  4. Ask for help in order to properly handle and dispose of hazardous chemicals generated in your work area.
  5. Acid base neutralization:
    Record keeping requirements for acid base elementary neutralization
    1. List of chemicals neutralized
    2. Amounts neutralized
    3. Location where chemicals were discharged to the public sewer
    4. Signature of chemist doing the acid/base neutralization procedure
    5. Verification of NO HEAVY METALS present in neutralized chemical

    The records generated must be sent to Risk Management and Safety for inclusion in the hazardous waste disposal annual report required by the United States Environmental Protection Agency.

    UW- Whitewater
    Acid/Base Neutralization Log for Laboratories and Studios
    Date Volume Source Chemical Name Initial PH Final PH Final Disposition Verification: No Heavy Metals Department Chemist Neutralizing
  6. Intermediate storage of hazardous waste.
    When containers at your work areas are full and need pick-up, tag your waste and call Risk Management and Safety for a pick-up. Pick-up will occur at your lab, shop, or studio location. Avoid intermediate storage of chemicals when possible. 

Revised: August 31, 2007

The Hazardous Waste Management Policy is established to aid the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater in achieving and maintaining compliance with the hazardous waste regulation, NR 661 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code. The NR 661 requirements include locating the waste sources on campus, evaluating the waste characteristics and controlling the substance from generation to final treatment and disposal.

The Director of Risk Management & Safety serves as the Hazardous Waste Coordinator for the University. The Coordinator will manage the campus hazardous waste program and act as liaison with the UW System Administration and hazardous waste generators on campus.

All hazardous waste is to be disposed of using only the contracts and contractors that have been approved by UW System Administration. Contracts currently in place are for waste incineration, landfill, management of highly reactive/explosive materials, and analytical testing. All waste shipments and contractor scheduling are coordinated with UW System Administration to reduce costs and maximize scheduling. Waste will be treated or disposed of only using facilities and sites that have been approved by UW System Environmental Health and Safety staff.

No university institution or employee is to accept donated hazardous substances or chemicals from outside sources without notification to the Hazardous Waste Coordinator and development of a written plan exists for the use of the entire quantity within six months of its receipt. No university institution or employee shall be permitted accept hazardous wastes from a person or organization external to the University.

Hazardous substances and chemicals should be purchased in amounts commensurate with normal consumption rates. Excessive procurements of hazardous chemicals eventually creates large volumes of wastes that can endanger campus safety and the University's EPA/DNR regulatory status. The campus Hazard Communication Program requires that each employing unit of the University that uses or stores hazardous chemicals to obtain Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) from the manufacturer or distributor. A copy of each MSDS obtained must be routed to the campus Risk Management and Safety Office for inclusion in the master MSDS file and entry into the master Chemical Inventory system.

Questions regarding biological, chemical, radioactive or infectious waste should be directed to the Office of Risk Management and Safety at 1856.

Recycling Plan

Administrative Structure for Campus Recycling

The administration of the recycling program is under the general supervision of the Director of Facilities Planning & Management and is as follows.

  • Campus Recycling Officer
    Pat Jankowski (262) 472-5554
  • Recycling Coordinator for Remodeling & Building Construction
    Ken Kramer (262) 472-6706
  • Recycling Coordinator for Procurement
    Mike Hirschfield (262) 472-1633
  • Recycling Coordinators - Academic Building
    Steve Barnes (262) 472-5725
    David Soliz (262) 472-5553
  • Recycling Coordinator for Education
    Lance Fredrick (262) 472-1856
  • Facilities Recycling Contacts:
    University Center - Bob Barry (262) 472-6223
    University Dining Service - Bob Barry (262) 472-6223
    Residence Life - Terry Tumbarello (262) 472-5275
    University Bookstore - Terry Meinel (262) 472-5632


FP&M Purchasing has initiated a comprehensive plan to seek out, recommend, obtain, and procure products having recycled content.  All copier paper purchased is 30% post consumer recycled product.  All hygienic paper products are made with recycled products.Campus Printing and Central Stores encourages the use of recycled papers. 

Recycling Collection Methods and Locations

Material is recycled from all buildings on campus. Waste is separated into two waste streams: recyclable and non-recyclable waste. This is done by a color coded system:

  • Blue containers for all recyclables, except where recycling containers are labeled differently
  • Tan or brown containers for trash
  1. Recyclable Materials
    1. Collected in blue recycling containers in offices, public spaces, and some service areas. Acceptable recyclables include:
      1. Flattened cardboard (empty & flat)
      2. Newspapers, magazines, catalogs
      3. White paper
      4. Phone books, paperback books
      5. Junk mail, envelops (including window envelopes)
      6. Chip-board, (cereal boxes, shoeboxes, etc.)
      7. Shredded paper (Bag in clear bags)
      8. Tin cans & Empty spray cans
      9. Aluminum cans
      10. Glass containers (Clear, green, and brown)
      11. Plastic containers, bottles and jugs (#1-7 plastic only)
      12. Small metal items (pots, pans, etc.)
    2. Residence Halls; Recyclable materials can be put in blue recycling containers and taken to the building outdoor recycling roll-off units for processing.
    3. Cardboard generated on campus is to be flattened or baled and put into dumpsters or roll-offs for pick up by the University's waste contractor.
    4. Recyclable materials can be put in dumpster or roll-off units at the building recycling center collection sites for pick up by the University's waste contractor. The University waste contractor provides single stream recycling and separates recyclables for delivery to various markets.
  2. Polystyrene Products
    1. Polystyrene packing "peanuts" are saved by Receiving and reused in shipping items off campus.
  3. Yard Waste
    1. The grounds department chips and processes most yard waste. A small composting site is available to recycle excess yard waste.
  4. Alkaline and lithium batteries are collected and recycling by the stores staff in the General Services building
  5. Lead Acid Batteries Waste Oil, and Tires
    1. Current procurement practices require battery exchange when new "lead acid" batteries are purchased.
  6. Waste oil is accumulated (500 gallon container) and collected for recycling by receiving firm.
  7. Waste tires are taken to Mallard Ridge Land Fill, shredded and used for daily landfill cover.  Tires replaced on service and university vehicles and equipment are collected by vendor for recycling.
  8. Electronic equipment including computer monitors, keyboards, peripherals, printers, and associated power and signal cords are collected and recycled by the stores staff located at the General Services building.

Recyclable Material Markets and Re-Uses

  1. The market for recyclable material is very fluid.
    1. Alternate recycling markets are continually explored by our recycling contractor.
    2. Recyclables are separated by our waste contractor and sold to processors as markets allow.
    3. Yard waste is chipped and reused as bedding on campus by University Grounds staff.
  2. Scrap metal that is generated or collected by maintenance is recycled.
  3. Separation and Disposal Methods.
    1. Recyclable materials are put in color coded containers. The waste contractor separates this waste at their waste separation site and markets the products.

Recyclables provide operational savings by reducing the volume of waste material taken to the landfill. Recycling also reduces landfill emissions and the associated effects on climate.  Records of total waste weight, recyclable weight, and non-recyclable waste weight will be maintained to determine recycling success for the campus.A successful recycling program requires support and participation at all levels of the organization. This team effort requires faculty, staff, employers and students are educated and involved.

Battery Recycling

  1. All lead-acid batteries used on campus are recycled.
  2. Our campus currently has a contract to purchase/exchange lead-acid batteries. Stores staff can be contacted about the types of batteries included in the contract.
  3. No person on campus will contract to purchase a lead-acid battery unless that contract involves the exchange of an old battery for the new battery.
  4. All lead-acid batteries needing disposal are transported to the designated battery recycling storage area in the Stores/Receiving area.
  5. Stores staff must be notified prior to delivery to insure security at the site.
  6. These campus batteries are part of a Stores exchange contract and are picked up by our vendors on a regular basis.
  7. It is suggested that staff exchange old batteries when they pick-up a new one. This process will save transportation time and expense to the department.

Questions on the Battery Recycling policy should be directed to Mike Hirschfield 472-1321 ext.3012, Stores and Receiving in Facilities Planning and Management. 

Light Bulb Recycling

  1. Only designated employees will be authorized to collect and transport fluorescent/incandescent light bulbs to the central storage location.
  2. All bulbs will be containerized in approved containers.
  3. All bulbs will be transported to the designated recycling storage area (Bunker) and not left in any other area of the Stores/Receiving area.
  4. Stores staff must be notified prior to a delivery to insure security at the site. Bulbs cannot be delivered without Stores staff on site.
  5. All bulbs must be segregated by type as follows:
    1. Fluorescent lamps 2'-8' in length in their original boxes (remove the packing prior to packing the tubes). Bulbs measuring 2' & 3' lengths can be packed with 4' lengths and bulbs measuring 5' length can be packed with 6' or 8' lengths (Mark the exact number of lamps on each box of fluorescent lamps.)
    2. Other bulbs/lamps will be transported in suitable boxes and removed from the boxes and placed in the appropriate storage/pick-up containers. These containers will be marked by bulb type.
    3. Broken bulbs will be delivered in a clear plastic bag marked with the number and kind of broken bulbs.
    4. The following bulb separation will be followed when delivering bulbs/lamps to the central storage area:
      1. Fluorescent lamps by length-in original boxes placed on pallets.
      2. Circular and U bend fluorescent bulbs will be boxed together.
      3. Compact fluorescent bulbs will be boxed separately.
      4. Low pressure sodium bulbs will be boxed separately.
      5. High intensity discharge (HID) bulbs: High pressure sodium, metal halide and mercury vapor bulbs will be boxed together.
      6. Incandescent bulbs will be boxed together.
      7. All broken bulbs will be transported in clear plastic bags and placed together in a shipment box.
    5. A log is signed by all staff bringing bulbs/lamps to the central storage area as follows:
      1. Delivery staff's name
      2. Delivering unit
      3. Number of bulbs of each type delivered
      4. The date
    6. Bulbs/lamps cannot be taped together. 
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